The advent and rapid development of ICT resulted to the birth of new vulnerabilities known as cyber criminality, understood as any action to use systems and computer networks as a tool, a target, or a link to carry out criminal activities. 

The advent and rapid development of ICT resulted to the birth of new vulnerabilities known as cyber criminality, understood as any action to use systems and computer networks as a tool, a target, or a link to carry out criminal activities. ICT’s are therefore not without danger. 

This is so because ill-intentioned individuals are permanently there for malicious purposes through this valuable tool called the Internet which causes enormous harm to individuals, businesses, organizations, and even to States". The Director-General of ANTIC noted in his opening remarks in Douala.

As clearly mentioned in its security missions as provided by article 7 of the Act of 2010/012 on cyber security and cybercrime, the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC), organizes with support from the Telecommunications Special Funds (FST), two sensitization seminars on cyber security to the population of the Centre and Littoral Regions. The first seminar was held in Yaoundé from November 27-29, 2013 at DJEUGA Palace hotel, the second was held from December 4-6, 2013 at hotel SAWA in Douala.

These two Regions benefited from the three days exchanges, learning and outreach on cyber security in the presence of local personalities. In Yaoundé, Mr KAPTUE Pierre, Inspector General for Technical Questions, personally represented the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications during opening ceremony. In Douala, the Governor's representatives of the Littoral Region and the Government delegate to the Douala Urban Council were present at the opening ceremony.

During his opening speech, the Director General of ANTIC, Dr. EBOT EBOT Enaw, stated that, faced with these new forms of delinquency that are exerted on the cyberspace, it is an absolute imperative to develop cyber security, i.e. a set of prevention, security and deterrence of institutional, technical, organizational and legal measures to achieve safety objectives set through electronic communication networks and information systems, to protect lives and the interest of natural and legal persons.

The representative of   MINPOSTEL, Mr KAPTUE Pierre added that these seminars are occasions of exchange to better understand issues of cyber security which are social, economic, political and human to which we must not remain indifferent.

During the opening ceremony of the meeting in Douala, the Director General of ANTIC, Dr EBOT EBOT Enaw and his counterpart of the Unique Operations and foreign trade, Mr Isidore BIYIHA, signed two protocol of partnership to recognize the company as a governmental Certification Authority, CamGOVCA and on the technical support of ANTIC to GUCE in securing applications by the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

During this occasion, the Director-General of  ANTIC, indicated that it was an occasion to announce to different public Administrations, enterprises, businessmen, Douala city dwellers, and  the community's entire Internet users, that they now have ways of exchanging online secure information through the use of  PKI certificates which will contribute to the development of the digital economy only by ensuring integrity, confidentiality, authenticity and non-repudiation of data exchanged and also by abolishing the gap between partners and to  consequently reduce the social scourge of corruption.

In addition to these seminars, animation afternoons were organized for children and young people in schools selected for educational talks on the role of ANTIC, the advantages and disadvantages of ICTs and cyber security. For the city of Yaoundé, it will be at Ecole publique departementale du centre,l’Ecole publique de la gendarmerie mobile, lycée Général Leclerc and  lycee Bilingue d’Application. In Douala, ANTIC’s caravan toured round the Deido bilingual high school, Lycée Technique de Ndogbong and Ecole publique de la cite SIC. This stage was completed by a quiz with prizes awarded to students and teachers.

ANTIC will continue this sensitization campaign on cyber criminality in other regions of the country. They will equally carry out a vast media outreach at the beginning of 2014 on the theme" stop cyber criminality, together let us bar the way

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