Message from General Manager
At ANTIC, Cameroon’s National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies, our mission consist of driving the country’s digital transformation via the innovative and responsable use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We are committed to harnessing these technologies to advance national development, foster innovation, and enhance the well-being of all Cameroonians, while addressing the critical challenges that accompany their adoption.
As you should know, ICTs are at the forefront of modern development, offering unparalleled opportunities that drive economic growth, public service delivery and connect communities. Artificial Intelligence, with its transformative potential, promises even greater advancements, enabling smarter decision-making, enhancing efficiency, and creating new avenues for innovation across sectors.
In this light, ANTIC strives to harness these opportunities with a view to propelling Cameroon into a productive digital economy wherein citizens and businesses are empowered to leverage technology to transform their ideas into finished and marketable products and services that provide solutions to local problems.
However, the rapid evolution of ICTs equally come along with significant challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. Cybercrimes, which are offences committed with the aid of computer systems and networks notably hacking, data breaches, and online fraud, pose a serious threat to individuals, organizations, national infrastructure and state security.
In a bid to tackle and overcome these challenges that undermine trust and hinder the growth potential of the digital economy, ANTIC is dedicated to a multi-faceted approach, which embodies the following:
Robust Services: We provide a range of services designed to protect and secure Cameroon’s digital environment. Our cybersecurity solutions include risk assessments (security audit), proactive threat detection and incident response to counteract and mitigate the impact of cyber threats.
Legal Framework: We work relentlessly to strengthen and enforce legal instruments that address cybercrime. This includes collaborating with government bodies to develop and implement comprehensive cybersecurity laws and regulations that allow cybercrime victims to seek and obtain justice.
Technical Expertise: By leveraging cutting-edge technology, ANTIC is at the forefront of developing and deploying advanced cybersecurity solutions to prevent and respond to cyber threats. Thanks to our Public Key Infrastructure, we guarantee trust among parties engaged inonline transactions by issuing electronic certificates that ensure four security services notably: the authentication of users, integrity of data, confidentiality of exchanges and the non-repudiation of messages exchanged during online transactions.
By providing these services, our solution offers some assurance to online users as to the safety of their online transactions and interactions and as such, helps build trust and confidence which is crucial in the digital space.
Public Awareness and Training: Mindful of the fact that man is the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain, we are committed to raising awareness about cybersecurity risks and promoting best practices via educational programmes and training initiatives. By empowering individuals and organizations with knowledge, tools and understanding to protect themselves, we build a more resilient and secure digital ecosystem.
Thanks to these concerted efforts, ANTIC envisions a digitally empowered Cameroon where its citizens would fully tap from the benefits of ICTs and AI while maintaining a secure and resilient digital environment.
Director General